Cristina Camacho
Nationality: Spanish
Cristina Camacho was born in Cádiz (Spain) and has been living in the Canary Islands since the age of 20. From a very early age she began to show an interest in the sea and its inhabitants, making it her career over time.
In 2017, she created her exhibition "Gritos del Azul" (Cries of the Blue) in response to the need to show the reality of what our ocean is going through. She seeks to transmit emotion and evoke a sense of responsiblity through hard-hitting images alternated with other images of our greatest treasure, the valuable biodiversity that inhabits our waters.
Her main objective is to empathise with the suffering of marine life, which sometimes tends to be seen as something alien and distant from our own, taking these images all over the Canary Islands, to Madeira and on to the UNESCO headquarters in Paris. She has also worked on projects such as “Red de Observadores del Medio Marino en Canarias” (RedPROMAR Gobcan) regarding education about the marine environment on several islands of the Canary archipelago.
Cristina has collaborated with publications on marine biodiversity in the Canary Islands and is the co-author of several scientific publications - her first was a "Guide to Blenniidae, Gobiidae and Gobiesocidae of the Canary Islands" and the latest one was published this year together with three colleagues.
Cristina is a professional sportswoman and underwater photographer. Curiosity and the desire to keep growing and learning have always been her driving force.