Opinion Leader

Frank Dornberger

Nationality: Germany
Website:  www.frado-media.de


Opinion Leader

Frank Dornberger

Nationality: Germany
Website: www.frado-media.de



Frank first learned to dive in Malta in 1994.

He studied media and communication in Berlin and began underwater filming in 1995.

During his career, Frank has carried out editorial work for several TV companies.  He has also been a writer and photographer for various special interest magazines (both out of and under water), such as Aquanaut, and for 3 years worked as Vice Editor-in-Chief at TauchSport and SeaStar magazines.

In the film world, Frank produces commercials and promotional films for many travel companies. He has also filmed and produced the award winning film ‘A Fish’s Life’ as well as commercials and promotional videos for Mares and SSI.

He has also taken his dive passion further, working and travelling as a diving instructor, and conducting courses and seminars in Underwater Filming for beginners and pros.